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I am a freelance writer passionate about education, social psychology, marketing and communication, parenting, traveling and fitness. This blog is an outlet of my day to day reflections. I hope you will enjoy reading it; as much as I enjoy penning it down. If what's written here strikes a chord with you do leave a comment. Feel free to sign up and get updates to my blog automatically. Cheers and have an awesome day!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Need some magic drummed up NOW!

Getting ready for school, I was told in no uncertain terms that I had to pray today to get her class-team to win maximum points and get the weekly prize. Great initiative on part of the teacher to get the kids to behave well and learn about team work. But the boldness with which my prayers were expected to deliver with such a short notice (a few hours) left me wondering if we had been over indexing on the power of prayers to solve problems.

Action and prayers have such an uncanny connection. Couldn't tell her enough that no matter how much I prayed, it all depended on her and others' antics at school.

For the time being I am sure there is no back tracking on her faith in prayers. After all that's the first "tool" of choice when it comes to very important concerns in life such as not getting time-out for misbehaviour, time-extensions pleaded for while playing with favorite buddies, not being served food considered inedible such as tomatoes, chicken, fish etc, etc. The unsolvables have only one way to get solved. Pray for the solution!

So my only prayer is the power of "magic" that prayers hold for this new generation holds on forever. The only way that would happen is if their magic works over and over again. There I go, over-indexing on prayers again.