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I am a freelance writer passionate about education, social psychology, marketing and communication, parenting, traveling and fitness. This blog is an outlet of my day to day reflections. I hope you will enjoy reading it; as much as I enjoy penning it down. If what's written here strikes a chord with you do leave a comment. Feel free to sign up and get updates to my blog automatically. Cheers and have an awesome day!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Almost perfect...but not quite!

So what is perfectionism? Some say that perfectionism and procrastination are two faces of the same coin. When people aim for perfection they end up procrastinating things so much so that there comes a time when they need to work against time. And they eventually end up delivering a sub-standard output. Perfectionism is definitely counter productive. A recent article in the newspaper brought this point out. However it got me thinking.

I agree that it's perfectly right to say perfectionism is not a desired trait. Pursuit of perfectionism can lead at worst to inflicting oneself with variety of neurotic disorders. However, how does one draw a distinction between perfectionism and excellence. While pursuit of one is not desirable at all, the other is most sought after. And rightly so. After all, successful and happy people are people who pursue and deliver excellence.

So what is the distinction?

Well for one, someone who pursues 'perfection' has 'zero' tolerance for mistakes. S/he follows the path where mistakes are seen to have no value or rather a negative one. It is a harsh, rigid path. And they forget the most important point - best quoted by the saying 'Have no fear of perfection... you'll never reach it'.

And as we all know it, 'no mistakes' - is equivalent to sounding the death knell for creativity!

On the contrary, to follow the path of excellence is the path of achieving high standards by fully exploiting one's own potential. Of recognising that we have many strengths which when tapped fully, will help us achieve whatever we desire.

Further, the pursuit of excellence will be incomplete if we failed to recognise that others too have the same unlimited potential. It would be incomplete if we did nothing to cherish those aspects and help them manifest them in the best possible way.

In the work place it boils down to looking at developing people in their 'islands of competence', recognising people's strengths and providing them opportunities to hone them even further. In the arena of parenting it means that we steer clear of setting the bar too high for our children, at the same time ensuring that we applaud them for every success, nurturing those to build their 'islands of competence'.

That's the way we as parents can live our role of 'building our children up, rather than chipping them down'; And would it be a mistake to say that the same principle applies to the professional world too or to any other world where we play the role of a leader?

So watch out for that perfectionist streak and save a lot of heartburn; but never ever give up on pursuing excellence!


Unknown said...

We can be perfect version of ourselves..as long as we remember that the Creator who made us did an excellent job. :)

Interesting piece Harry! Waiting for more. :)

Harry said...

So true harshada. We need to remind ourselves constantly. To be on gaurd. Just in case self doubt gets the better of us.